Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/177

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American Revohction, ly i

[ band, and the zeal of Jcsep/j was kindled againll the man.

I { . Now when the men drew nigh unto the hold, Donoj) the captain fent a meflenger to demand that it iliouid be given up, and ail that was therein;

12. But the captain in the ftrong hold, whofe fur-name was Greene,* hearkened not to the voice of Don op the captain, but prepar- ed himfelf to refid the enemy with all his might.

13. Then was the wrath of Donop, captain of the Heffians kindled, againfl the people of the provinces, was his wrath kindled! and he gave command that every man fliould be ready with his weapons of war in his hand ^

14. And he rulhed forwards as a horfe in- to the battle, or as a bird to the fnare of the fowler, and knew not that it was for his life j and his men followed after him,

  • Col. Gs'eene.