Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/181

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American Revolution, inn

delicately every day, were glad of a morfel of bread!

4. Neverthelefs, they were gamers in the end, inafmiich as they learned more true wis- dom in the hour of adverfity, than had been known while they were ba&ing in the fun- fhine of profperity!

5. They were taught that the cup of felici- ty, without fome mixture of the wormwood and the gall, was by no means a draught for mortal man!

6. Moreover their hearts expanded with benevolence towards the children of misfor- tune, they fought them out in their folitary cottages, they informed themfelves of their varied wants, and with a liberal hand chafed away the caufe of their woe!

7. The bleffings of the poor came upon them, and the tear of gratitude abundantly repaid their liberality! They moreover reap- ed the rich harvefl of felf- approving thoughts!