Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/196

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2 00 American Revolution.

and make them afraid, fo that they flee be- fore us; then thou wilt do well;

1 6. And thy life fliall be given thee for a prey; thy polfefTions fnall not be given to another, neither fnall a flranger poiTefs thine inheritance; but it fnall be thine ^H the days of thy life, and th.y children after thee! mnrf:ovcr the favor of the great Sanhedrim fnall refi; upon thee!

17. And it was fo, that the mefienc^er promifed to do all thnt Benedifl had bidden him. And he went forth towards the camp of the barbarians;

18. and when lie came to the camp, he re- ported the words that had proceeded out of the mouth of Benedicf, Moreover he told them. That fhe hoR of the people of the pro- vinces was {frong and mighty, even a very great mmltiiude.

19. And while he was yet fpeaking, lo! one of their own tribe alfo came into the