igS American Revolution.
13. Then the people who were with Gregg^ fiCd and reported the tidings to Stark^ chief captain in that place.
14. And it was fo, that the captain gather- ed his army together, and he led the people
forth to the battle.
15. Now there were v/ith him, three other captains, namely •, Warner^ Williams; and a 2nan whofe fur-name was Brush : thefe were valiant men, and went forth before the men of war.
16. And it came to pafs, when they drew nigh to the fervants of the king of Britain, they put the battle in array, army againfl
- irmy.
1 7. Now when the German captain, whofe fur-nam.e v/as Baum, faw that the people of the provinces were ftrong, and that the in- habitants of the land did not come forth to the help of the king, as Skine had faid, he feat a meffenger unto Burgoyne the chief captain, and advertifed him thereof: