Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/210

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^204 ' American Revolution*

1 8. And they came agamfl the hold* that •was called by the name of the chief cap- tain, who was flain by Giiy^ the king's go- vernor.

19. And they befieged the hold round a- bout; and Henry fent a mefienger to the go- vernor of the garrifon, and demanded of him to deliver up the hold and ail that was therein,

-fio. Howbeit, the governor refuied to obey the fummons, and flrengthened himfeif a- gainfl: the men of Britain.

21. Neverthelefs, the army of Britain rufh- cd forwards, they bore down all oppofition; theyafcended the battlements of the enemy; they brake into their defenced places! How- belt, the governor and his brother, and two hundred men efcaped, and fled to the moun- tains; and the noife of the battle of the war. riors was as the found of many waters.

£2. And the ilain and wounded of the men

^ Fort MoBtgomery,