Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/213

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American Re^vohition.


4. And there were with the fervaiits of the king who went out to view the hofl, foinc of the deftroying engines, that were made of brafs, and the balls that iffued out of their mouths, weighed five hundred and feventy- fix (liekels, after the fhekel of the fanduary; and many of the fons of men were felled ta the earth therewith!

5. And when the fervants of the great San- hedrim appeared, lo! the brazen engines ut- tered their thunders, and the people were fain to fhelter themfelves behind the trees of the foreft, which were a fure defence againfl the balls that were Ihot from the brazen en- gines.

6. Neverthelefs when the people of the Pro-^ vincfs had taken courage, they ruflied forth upon the tall men* of Britain, but they could not prevail, becaufe they were as a wall of brafs and united together, and were like to a three folded chord, not eafily broken.

  • Grenaciers,