American Revolution, 227
v/ere heard afar off! the glittering of the in- ftruments of war, added to their terror; they defpaired of feeing the dawning of another day!
11. Neverthelefs, they were faved; and it ^ was a deliverance that (hould not be forgot- ten. And v/hen the fun arofe, the foldiers departed; and came to the houfe oi Samuel* that flood by the fide of the river, oppofite to the city : and the boats came to the fhore and took them all in.
12. And they took captive, WilUain^ whofc fur-name was Ellis; he was a ufeful man, and (killed in architefture; and afmall num- ber of the people of the province of Jerfey, who were with him, were alfo taken captive.
15. Thefe were fome of the laft ads of William, the chief captain : and it was fo, that he went mto one of the tall fhips of the king of Biitain, and the people of the provinces faw him no more : and Henry, whofe fur-
- Cooper's Ferry.