234 American Revolution*
T/je French equip a fleet ^ for the purpose ofhlock-' ing up the English in the Delaware. Sir Henry Clinton^ being timely informed of their intentions^ escapes to 'Ncw-Tork; the lajid forces march through the Jerseys. Battle of Mon^ mouth.
jl\nD it came to pafs, after that the king of Gaul had made a covenant with Benjainin^ Silasy and Arthur :
2. That he commanded his fea-captalns, to make ready a navy of Ihips; and take large florc of the dcflroying engines, and other implements for war; and that they (hould make all fpeed, to fail for the land of Colum- bia, and help the people of the Provinces^ againfl their mighty adverfaries, the men of Britain.
3. Theu the fea-captains did according to