Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/243

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American Revolution, 0Q7

journeyed onwards to the field of Haddon, and they encamped there that night,

10. And George chief captain of the armies of Columbia, and all the armed men came to Princeton, in the province of Jerfey, and there they pitched their tent.

11. And George queried with the chief men of the boil, faying, Shall we go forth and offer the men of Britain battle, or fhall we forbear.

12. And the men, even the captains of the hod, anfwered and faid, Not fo : never- thelefs let feme of the people go forth and ob- ferve the enemy and fall upon the hinder part of the hod.

13. And it was fo, that Scotly* a chief cap- tain, and a valiant man, and about one thou- fand m.en of the hod, went forth to view the arm.y of Britain, that was fpread over the pro- vince of Jerfey, even as the grafshoppers in the vale for abundance.

  • General Scott.