Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/252

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24S American Revolution*

6. Neverthelefs the (hlpsof the king of Gaul were quiet, and remained eleven days with- out doing any thing againft the fhips of their enemies, and on the twelfth day they hoifted up their anchors, and fleered their courfe to the Ifland of Rhode.

7. Now there was on the Ifland, a garrifon offoldiers, fervants to the king of Britain; and it was determined by George^ the chief captain of all the armies of Columbia, to take the garrifon captives.

8. But theenterprife failed, and the caufe thereof was on this wife : for it came to pafs, that the chief captain of the fliips of the king of Britain, purfued after the fhips of the king of Gaul; and it was even fo, that as they were preparing for an alTault, lo! agreatflorm arofe and difperfed the fliips.

9. And the navy of Gaul was damaged, and fuffered much by the florm, fo that they were fain to flee to the town of Boflon, to repair the fliips that were hurt.