Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/291

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American Revohitkn* ^g^

33. But It came to pafs, that the Pxien ia the hold flood ready > erery man with his wea- pons of war; and the deftroying engines belched out their thunders, and cafl down many to the earth!

34. And the men of war were fain to give ground, and fled from the fury of the deflroying engines; and the men of the garrifon got great honor.

2^z, And there were flain and wounded of t\^^ ferv?jiis of the king of Gaul, fix hun- dred one fcore and feventeen men; and of the people of the Provinces, two hundred. Pj- laski^ a notable warrior, was wounded even unto death.

2^6, Now the number of the men in the gar- rifon, v/as about three thoufand, who were mighty men of valor; and not many of them were fiain, inafmuch as they were in a place cf defence, and fecure from the aiTaults of thtir enemies.