Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/313

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American Revolution* ^oj

and the young man's name was Andre; he was beloved by the hod of Britain, and his name was much fee by; he was a chief man* in the hod, and vahant in war, and where the brave were, there was he.

4. And the young man, Andre ^ went Into one of the fmall armed vefTcls, of the king of Britain, and the veflel moved up the North river, not many furlongs from the hold.

5. And when the evening was far fpent, Benedid fent a boat to the veffel, to bring the young man, Andre^ to land.

6. And when he was come fafe to land, he confulted with Benedid: concerning all things whereof he had written to Henry, And the dawning of the day appeared, when they had ended their bufmefs.

7. And when the young man would have . gone back again to the velTel, lo! ihe had moved down the river 5 for the people of the

  • Adjutant General.