Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/316

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American Revolution,

15. Now Andre wift not that the men were enemies : howbeit, they laid hold on him, and took him to their captain; and they found written papers in the hand writing of Benedid and the plot was found out.

16. Then the captain* of the band, fent the written papers that were found upon the young man, by a meifenger, to George^ the chief captain; and the young man, even the young man Andre, he alfo fent a letter to the chief captain; for he was a ready writer, and his words were enticing : the found thereof, was as the found of a well-tuFicd initrument.

17. And /!ndre alfo fent a written letter to Benedid, and informed him that he was taken captive, and his journey fruftrated.

18. Audi \^\iti\ Bene did read the letter, his iips quivered, and he was fore amazed, and he hailily called for his young men who were faithful to him, and he gat into a boat, and

  • Col. JaraeEon.