Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/321

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American Revolution. j^i^

2. On the il^me day did Nathaniel* take upon hlni the office of chief captain : for it came to pafs, that when the great Sanhedrim had heard that Horatiof and the Southern ar- my, had been beaten by Cornzvallis, the king's captain, and that the warriors of Columbia couhi not (land before the men of Britain 3 ihey were fore difpleafed.

3. And their countenances fell, and they, even the princes of the Provinces, fecretly reproached Horatio; for it grieved them, that the army was fmiiten before the men of Britain.

4. And they communed with George the chief captain, afcer thi^ manner, faying : Knoweft thou not, that Cornwallis the king'.s captain, hath beaten Horatio in battle, and that our brethren have fled from the fervants of the kiiTg?

5. And G^^r^Jaid, yea verily, I know it : then the princes of the provinces, further-


  • Gcner,.! Green. f General Gates.