Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/329

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A'intrican RevoIuUon,^^ 2 23

g;ach other at the Cowpens, znd they put the battle in array, army againfl army.

7. Nov/ farleion defpifed all thoughts of delay, and the maxims of prudence he treat- ed with contempt; but ruihed forwards as to an affured vi£lory, and at the firft onfet drave his enemies before him, for they could not with {land the firil charge,

8. But it came to pafs, that two captains,* renowned for warlike atchievements, encour- aged the men to turn about and face their en- emies; and he uho had taken the tories at the houfe, with the appearance of a wooden engine, this man turned the fortune of the day, by furioufly charging a Britifh captain, whofe fur-name was Ogihie^ whom he caufe J to flee before him.

9. And about the fame time, avaiiant manf who was renowned in war, animated the men to turn about, who rufhed upon the men of Britain and difcomfited them.

♦ Cole. Pickens and Wafliington f Col. Howard,