Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/339

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Avierican Revolution,


i5. So the army or Britain, were fain to depart, for they Aood in need of thofe things that were at Wilmington : and the meri of Britain journeyed forwards.

1 7. And when Nathaniel heard thereof^ he gathered together the men of war, and pur- Taed after the hod of Britain, until they had arrived at Ramfay's mill on the Deep river, and there the people of the Provinces halted.

18. And when the people were refrefiiedj^.t^^. the army of Britain took ihcir way acrofs the ^a- country from Wilmington to Peterfburg, In Virginia.

1 9. And Nathaniel believing it would be moH: expedient, and v/ithal, greatly to the benefit of the peoples to pafs on direftly for the Southern province;* therefore being fully perfuaded in his own mind, he ordered the men of war to dired their courfe to that pro- vince.

20. Hov/beit, he fent a captaint and horfe-

  • Suuili Carolina, f Col. Lee,