Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/342

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American Revchtlon*

%. And there were with Nathaniel^ about twelve hundred men; howbeit, three hundred of chefe ^ere huroandmen, called militia.

4. And it was fo, that a? Nathaniel was waiting for the men of Britain to come out of the tov'n, (for his fingers itched to be dealing with them) lo 1 according to his de- fire, a meflenger came and faid : Yq men of Columbia, arm yourfelves, for your enemies are at hand!

5. Then the men of war made themfelves ready, and Nathaniel animated with his voice the men of war.

6. And it c^me to pafs, that the men of Britain c^^me on like, the young lions of rhe fored! rhey tarried not, but rufhed into the battle, and there was a fierce encounter, and the fervants of the king prevailed. •

7- For when the armies joined battle, two companies of the people of the Provinces lied,