Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/346

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g^o American Revolution.

the way by two companies of the men of Bri- tain 5 and the din of Battle was heard!

20. The found of the warriors reached the camD; the valiant rufhed to the battle! The hods were engaged, and fierce was the ftrife ©f the warriors!

2 i . The men of the provinces of Virginia and Maryland, were foremoil in the rough front of the battle; their captains, Williams and Campbell^ led them to glc-ry and vidory 1 The renowned warriors of Britain fled, who were once fo terrible in war!

22. Five hundred of the fervants of the king, were taken captives; their bonds were made eafy, for they were taken by a generous foe 1 But Campbell was flain! he died m the bed of honor, and his name Ihall not perifh!

23. Nathaniel beheld v/ith joy, the rifmg fame of Columbia; he purfued after the men of Britain, but he could not overtake the fwift- footed warriors of the king.