Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/348

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342 American Revolution.

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Cornwallis is strengthened by the royal forces ^ under Phillips and Arnold — Traverses the country — Is feebly opposed by the Americans,

rSlOW Cornwallis, the king's chief cap- tain in the Southern Provinces, was Hfted up in his heart; for he had it in contempla- tion to fubdue the whole land, and eftablifh his name amongft the fons of men, as a war- rior of the firft degree.

2. He fent forth the foldiers of Britain in troops, throughout the province of Virginia, who difperfed and put to flight the men of Co- lumbia; for they were too few to fland be- fore him.

3. For it came to pafs, that Benedit^ znd FhillipSy with about fifteen hundred of the fervants of the king, came in the tall fhips of the liland of Britain, and flrengthened his army.