Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/386

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HE Southern States now claim the mufe's care, Fierce Britij(h wrath, alike extended there. Parker and Clinton^ cloih'd in terror came, — But Le: and Moultrie won the prize of fame I The Britons flee, the fiiipsin hafle depart : The chiefs adonifhvl ns'd their utmofl: art. Surpriz'd they favv Columbia's fons engage Old Veteran troops, with more than martial rage! Then join'd the host, where Bqwc in powr fupreme, Still talk'd of riches, andofconqueft dream'd, But ah, what woes! what thirfi: for human gore. Now fierce prevail'd along the Southern (hore! — There whi^s and tories, Ruror by deadly hate. On murtherbend — ra(hM blindly on their fate I By the high ways, beneath a fpreading tree, Man watch'd for man, as for an enemy 1 Demonic rage fird fpurr'd the tories on : The wltiiis revesige, and thus their woes prolong. Widows and orphans, multiply amain; Thofe mocrn rheir hui^^ands, thefe their fathers flain!- Such curfed wrath man's dignity degrades — Such cruel murthers, ftain the Gallic page! — Death's meaore jaws with terrible uproar, Clatter'd around, befmear'd with human gore 1 His laceraied limbs his pains beguile — The fpouting blood diffus'd a horrid fmile! Then as a vulture, feafting on his pray,

He tore the flcQi, and bore his prize away! •

Oh! thar fome G^raph from the climes above, Would fwift defcend, and teach the law of love : That men in peace, their flicrten'd lives might fpcnd^ And guardiar angels all rheir fteps defend! Drive curd anbition to his native hell. That man no more his maker's laws rebel :