Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/391

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C O L U M B I A D,

A death-like filence, and a dread fufpenfe. For one fmall moment chain'd the ad:ive fenp3! Then quick as lightning the ioud cannons roar, And death and ik lighter (lalk'd along the fhorc : '* Viflors and vanquifii'd join promilcuous cries, Rend the wide arch, and pierce the vaulted ikies.

Thus man with man in horrid {Irife engage, Their vifageglocmy — terrible their rage! Great Washington beheld the glorious (Irife, And nobly (hew'd a brave contempt of life: Sol now retir'd behind the weftern main. The vanquifh'd Britons mourn their heroes flain! One noble chief Columbia loft that day. In Freedom's caufe he bore fuperior ^vfi^y : In him there (hone a bright and manly flame. The grateful mufe records this patriot's fame I 'Ingenious, open — generous, brave and free, Thele virtues Mcrris-' all afribe to thee!



O! now frefli honors wait Columbia's hoH:^ The incautious Britons lofe another poft; The Britifh rear in Princeton idly fought Inglorious eafe, whilfi: others nobly fought; Thej unfufpicious, faunter round thtf town.

Col. Anthony Morris of Philadelphia, I i