Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/397

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Burgoync with liaily ftrides aiul proud array,

Through Canada purlu'd his haplefs way.

Led on by thirft of fame, and martial hear,

Scornlnf^farprife, nor dreaming of defeat :

To Sitratoya's plains the warrior canie,

There loii; his army, and there died his fame;

Esch Briton too a deadly wound received;

Their pride was piqu'd, and all their hopes deceiv'd.

An army captur'd 1 — A Britifh army too I—

Iir;polIib!e!— but is it really true?

True as the Gofpel! — Terrible to tell

Ilo-r/ the fain'd lion of Great Britain fell I

ButO, forbear, and fpare her ancient fame,

And clofe the lips at JVolj'i immortal name!

Search all the records of devouring time.

Each dry hiftorian, and each book of rhyme j

Nor will you find that Britons ever wore,

Since Cefir's time, a foreign yoke before.

That day wasfiital to her boundlefs fway,

No more her laws Columbia's fons obey 1

On Freedom's broad eternal bafe they {land.

Nor own the guidance of a foreign land!

The fair inheritance her fons fnall fhare,

And Washington ihall be their polar (lar;

Like him refiltlefs crufli the invading foe.

Or wife in peace, contemn parade and fhow!

Now fay, O niufe 1 what other worthies fonght, And for their country glorious honors bought? Who ilem'dthe torrent of Burgoyne^i career. Who taught the haughty foe at laltto fear!