Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/408

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The day draws near when peace fliall bl^fs the land.

And JVash'tJigton fliall rule wiih equal har.d :

E'en now he comes, the conquering hero comes!

To drive the Britons to their native homes!

To him has heaven decreed the glorious boon,.

To end this war before another moon!

And as (he fpoke in her right hand ihere flione

A laurel crown enwrought with curious (lone;

The dazzling prize a glorious lufVre (lied,

Then fv.'ifc defcenried on the hero's head.

Now Rochambcau from France, a noble chief.

By Louis fent to Wash'uigfon's relief,

With his gay troops he joinM the patriot hoft;

With them furrounded every Brlti(hpoil :

Cornwaliis, furious as the mountain boar,

Then felt flrange fears he never felt before;

Within his breafl: a furious temped rng'd.

The gatheringftorm refus'd to be a(ruag'd;

Fierce angry frowns his troubled foul expreft;

Indignant murmurs fwell'd each foldier's breafl!

One common caufethe gallant troops infpire,

Their wounded fame now fers their fouls on fire,

And barbarous Memory in cruel fport,

Brings full in view the fields of Agincourt!

Stnngtothe quick, their fiery eye-balls roll —

Their leader fcarce their fwelling rage controul

Eager to rufhamld the hofl of foeG,

And wreak their vengeance with repeated blowr*.

Delufivehope now darts a cheering ray,

And now difpair the phantom fcares away :