Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/47

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American Revolution, 4 %

fjde agalnd the fervants of the king of Gaul j and he was flain in battle.

4. And the people fet up a ftatue of hewn ftone, and faflnoned it with the tools of the cunning workman, after the manner of thofe days; and it flood for a memorial of his va- liant ads.

5. And there was yet another brother, who was a chief captain in the king's navy j he was also a lord of the realm of Britain.

6. And he fent the fhips of the navy to lie in wait for the merchants fiiips that failed out of the rivers of Columbia, and the navy of the king of Britain, was fpread over the face of the great deep.

7. Now failing became dangerous, by rea- fon of the fliips of the king of Britain, inas- much as they took the mariners captives, and carried the fnips of Columbia to their own. coafls.

8^ Thefe fliips were armed with engines, D %