Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/57

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A m eric a n Revo lid io n, gi

ftroying engines on the bank which he had cafl up,

23. But he could not prevail, inafmuch as the black duft*^ which they put into their en- gines, began to fail. Now the duft was made of nitre and brimftonej and without it, the engines could do nothing.

24. Now there was yet another holdf that was garrifoned by fonie of the foldiers of the king of Britain, and it was about forty and eight furlongs from the place where the hoG: of the people of the provinces were encamp- ed.

25. And Monigcrnery, the chit f captani, fent a captain with a band of men to take poileiTion thereof; but he abode there ftill.

26. And the captain, and the men who were fent with him, did as they were ccm- manded \ and they prevailed againd the hold

  • Gun-Fov/aer. f Crown Point.