Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/66

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6o American Revolution*

by interpretation fignifieth the Hate of a vir- gin, and in honor to a queen of the ifland of Britain, whofe name was Elizabeth^ and fhe was never betrothed to any.

3. Now Dtinmore, the governor, was given up to vain delufions and a reprobate mind; in that he manifefted the fruits of wrath, en- vv and many other hurtful lufts; and all who do fuch things are in a (late of reprobation. Moreover, he thought to rule the people with a rod of iron.

4. And, notwithftanding, his hands were w^eak, for he had no foldiers under him; yet he was defirous to do fcmething to pleafe the king his mafter, and gain a little honor to himlelf; for verily the man was ambitious.

5. And he entered into a league with feme mariners who belonged to the navy of Britain, and be covenanted with them, that they fhould help to take away the black duft out of the (lore houfes of the province.

6. Then, when the people of the province had notice thereof, they armed themfelves,