Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/80

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74 American Revolutmu

cd about twenty-four furlongs from that place,

14. And it came to pafs, as they were on their way to go againfl; the men, another mefTenger came, and told the chief captain, that it was not a true report that he had heard, for there were no foldiers encamped as had been faid.

15. Then the chief captain turned to go againfl the hold, but the night was far fpent, for it was intended that they ihould get into the hold at unawares, while the foldiers were yet heavy with lleep. And it came topafs, that the chief captain went to and fro in the wil- 4ernefs, and loft his way, and the fun arofe.

' 16. And when Thom/on, the chief captain, could not be found, Arthur* went out before the hoft, and became chief captain. And when he faw the army of Britain was coming out againft him, he gave command that the hoft of the people of the provinces fhould de- part thence, left perad venture, the fervants

  • Gener»lSt. Clajr,