Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/9

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1 HE EaflJndia Company fhip their Tea to America, charged with a Duty for the pur- pofe of raifmg a Revenue.

Chap, IL page 19. The Tea arrives on the coafL of America, and is deftroyed at Bofton — The port of Boflon is (hut up.

Chap, III. page 24. Dr. Franklin pre^ fents the Petition of Congrefs to the Parlia- ment of Great Britain.


Chap, IV. page 29. General Ga^-^ . fends a party to deftroy the Military Storei at Concord— The firil: commencement of UodiJities at Lexington.

Chap, V. page 35. Freili troops arrive from Great Eritaia— The battle on Bunker's Hill.

Chap, VI. page 40. General Gage re- turns to England-— fucceeded by General