Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/10

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XVIII. Quantities infinitely ſmall ſuppoſed and rejected by Leibnitz and his Followers. No Quantity, according to them, greater or ſmaller for the Addition or Subduction of its Infiniteſimal.

XIX. Concluſions to be porved by the Principles, and not Principles by the Concluſions.

XX. The Geometrical Analyſt conſidered as a Logician; and his Diſcoveries, not in themſelves, but as derived from ſuch Principles and ſuch Inferences.

XXI. A Tangent drawn to the Parabola according to the calculus differentialis. Truth ſhewn to be the reſult of error, and how.

XXII. By virtue of a twofold miſtake Analyſts arrive at Truth, but not at Science: ignorant how they come at their own Concluſions.

XXIII. The Concluſion never evident or accurate, in virtue of obſcure or inaccurate Premiſes. Finite Quantities might be rejected as well as Infiniteſimals.

XXIV. The foregoing Doctrine farther illuſtrated.

XXV. Sundry