Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/101

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The Analyst.

ble Extenſions, it will not follow that unlimited Approximations compleatly anſwer the Intention of Geometry?

Qu. 54. Whether the ſame things which are now done by Infinites may not be done by finite Quantities? And whether this would not be a great Relief to the Imaginations and Underſtandings of Mathematical Men?

Qu. 55. Whether thoſe Philomathematical Phyſicians, Anatomiſts, and Dealers in the Animal Oeconomy, who admit the Doctrine of Fluxions with an implicit Faith, can with a good grace inſult other Men for believing what they do not comprehend?

Qu. 56. Whether the Corpuſcularian, Experimental, and Mathematical Philoſophy ſo much cultivated in the laſt Age, hath not too much engroſſed Mens Attention; ſome part whereof it might have uſefully employed?

Qu. 57. Whe-