Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/21

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The Analyst.

our modern Analyſts are not content to conſider only the Differences of finite Quantities: they alſo conſider the Differences of thoſe Differences, and the Differences of the Differences of the firſt Differences. And ſo on ad infinitum. That is, they conſider Quantities infinitely leſs than the leaſt diſcernible Quantity; and others infinitely leſs than thoſe infinitely ſmall ones; and ſtill others infinitely leſs than the preceding Infiniteſimals, and ſo on without end pr limit. Inſomuch that we are to admit an infinite ſucceſſion of Infiniteſimals, each infinitely leſs than the foregoing, and infinitely greater than the following. As there are firſt, ſecond, third, fourth, fifth, &c. Fluxions, ſo there are Differences, firſt, ſecond, third, fourth, &c. in an infinite Progreſſion towards nothing, which you ſtill approach and never arrive at. And (which is moſt ſtrange) although you ſhould take a Million of Millions of theſe Infiniteſimals, each whereof is ſuppoſed infinitely greater than ſome other real Magnitude, and add them to the leaſt given Quantity, it ſhall be never the bigger. For this is one of the modeſt poſtulata of
