Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/74

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The Analyst.

tional to the ſecond Fluxions, the third naſcent Increments to be proportional to the third Fluxions, and ſo onwards. And, as the firſt Fluxions are the Velocities of the firſt naſcent Increments, ſo the ſecond Fluxions may be conceived to be the Velocities of the ſecond naſcent Increments, rather than the Velocities of Velocities. By which means the Analogy of Fluxions may ſeem better preſerved, and the notion rendered more intelligible.

XL. And indeed it ſhould ſeem, that in the way of obtaining the ſecond or third Fluxion of an Equation, the given Fluxions were conſidered rather as Increments than Velocities. But the conſidering them ſometimes in one Senſe, ſometimes in another, one while in themſelves, another in their Exponents, ſeems to have occaſioned no ſmall ſhare of that Confuſion and Obſcurity, which is found in the Doctrine of Fluxions. It may ſeem therefore, that the Notion might be ſtill mended, and that inſtead of Fluxions of Fluxions, or Fluxions of Fluxions of Fluxions, and inſtead of ſecond, third, or fourth, &c.
