Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/89

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The Analyst.

Qu. 13. Whether Geometrical Quantity hath coexiſtent Parts? And whether all Quantity be not in a flux as well as Time and Motion?

Qu. 14. Whether Extenſion can be ſuppoſed an Attribute of a Being immutable and eternal?

Qu. 15. Whether to decline examining the Principles, and unravelling the Methods uſed in Mathematics, would not ſhew a bigotry in Mathematicians?

Qu. 16. Whether certain Maxims do not paſs current among Analyſts, which are ſhocking to good Senſe? And whether the common Aſſumption that a finite Quantity divided by nothing is infinite be not of this Number?

Qu. 17. Whether the conſidering Geometrical Diagrams abſolutely or in themſelves, rather than as Repreſentatives of all aſſignable Magnitudes or Figures of the ſame kind, be not a principal Cauſe of the ſuppoſing finite Extenſion infinite-
