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THE ANCESTOR 135 de nigra purpura, et pallium regale de purpura cum morsu et brocha auri et pannum sericum ad ferendum supra Regem in coronacione sua. et magnum ceptrum ejusdem regalis. virgam auream cum columba in summo. et ij. enses. scilicet ensem Tristrami. et alium ensem de eodem regali et calcaria aurea de eodem regali. Cupam auri ponderis viij*°. marcarum et duarum unciarum. et unam crucem auri ponderis trium marcarum et vij. unciarum et dimid. Et ut predict! Robertus de Ropell. et homines sui inde sint quieti has litteras nostras patentes eis fecimus. Teste domino P. Wintoniensis Epis- copo apud Clarendon. ix°. die Decembris per eundem.^ From the evidence of a further list which has been pre- served it is clear that John had two sets of regalia : a simpler one apparently for use on ordinary days of state ; the other and richer being that provided for his coronation, and worn only on special occasions. This further list is dated at Canfield on 29th March, 12 15-6, and includes most of the richer ornaments enumerated in 1204, but with a few additional details. Thus we learn that the crown was jewelled and surmounted by a cross and seven flowers or fleurons. The dalmatic is by mistake called tunica, while the tunic proper, of white diaper as before, is now said to be banded with orfreys.^ The red samite mantle {^allium regale) was bordered and crossed with orfrey work set with great stones both divers and precious, and had two brooches to fasten it with. The text of the patent is as follows : De regali recepto. Rex omnibus, etc. Sciatis quod recepimus per manum Walerandi Teutonic! et Hugonis de Bathonia clerici nostri apud Berchamstede die Annunciacionis Beate Marie anno, etc. de fratre Henrico de Arundell. tunc temporis preceptore fratrum hospitalis Jerusalem Anglie unam virgam de auro cum cruce scilicet ceptrum. unam zonam rubeam cum petris preciosis quam pertinet ad regale. . . . Item unam coronam cum petris preciosis cum una cruce et vij. floribus. Tunicam [i.e. dalmaticam] regalem de rubeo samito cum orfrasiis cum petris preciosis in urluris. Unum par cirotecarum cum petris et aliud par cum floribus de auro. Unam tunicam albam de diaspro bendatam de orfrasiis. Unum [pallium] regale de rubeo samito urlatum et cruce signatum undique de orfrasiis cum magnis petris et diversis et preciosis cum duobus brochis ad atachiandum ipsum pallium. Unum par caligarum de samito cum orfrasiis et duo paria sotularium de samito. et undecim paria bacinorum pon- dere sexaginta duarum marcarum et decern et septem unciarum. Et in hujus etc. ei inde fieri fecimus. Teste me ipso apud Caneveles. xxix. die Marcii anno eodem. ^ ^ Patent Roll 9 John, m. 4. (ed. Hardy, 1835, i- P^- i- 77)- [j 2 Cf. the banded dalmatic on the seals of Henry L, Stephen, and Henry II. 3 Patent Roll 17 John, m. 5 (ed. Hardy, 1835, i- P^- i- ^73)- On m. 4 of the same roll is entered another patent acknowledging receipt of the same ornaments at Berkhamstead on Palm Sunday, Anno 1 7°.