Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/112

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the figure was found at Urquhart,[1] Elgin. I have a celt of this character (4 inches), from the neighbourhood of Mons, in Belgium. Another much more elongated form, but still belonging to the same class of implements, is that represented by Fig. 34. The original is of grey flint, and was found at Weston, Norfolk. The grinding is continued farther along the body of the implement than in the former examples, especially on one of the faces, and the asperities of the sides have in places been removed by the same process. About halfway along the blade, some of the facets have been polished by friction.

Fig. 34.—Weston, Norfolk.1/2

In the Greenwell Collection is a beautiful specimen, 81/4 inches long, 2 inches broad at edge, and 3/4 inch at butt, and nowhere more than 5/8 inch thick. It is most skilfully chipped, and the grinding extends only 1/2 inch back from the edge. The sides have been made straight by
  1. Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. ix., p. 258.