Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/740

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Calcareous nodule, celt formed from, 115; incrustations on palseolithic implements, 659, 660

Caledonians, their early use of iron, 11

Calendering effected by slick-stones, 441

Calendrine, in Cotgrave's Dictionary, 441

Califomians, arrow-head making among the, 423; grooved stones of the, 268; knife, 273

Calmucks, use of military flail among the, 423

Calvert, Mr. F., implements found by, near the Dardanelles, 652

Cambodia, superstitions as to celts in, 60

Camenz, bronze tube found at, 49

Cane, possible use of, in stone-drilling, 50

Canoes, adze for hollowing, 165, 166; celts found with, 129, 150; gouges for hollowing, 178; hollowed by horn chisels, 434

Cantabria, imperial omen in, 65

Carbonic acid, its solvent power on chalk, 477, 675, &c.

Caribbean character of certain implements, 129, 130, 168, 169

Caribs, axe-hafting among, 155, 218; their shell gouges, 182

Carreg-y-Saelhau, or stone of the arrows, 262

Cartailhac, M., his sections of San Isidro valley, 529

Carved representation of celt in dolmen, 153

Carvings in caves, 484, 523

Cassava bread, stone slabs for cooking, 440

Catlin, Mr., on American flaking-tools, 24

Cattle, elf-arrows the cause of disease among, 365, 366; protection of, by witch-stone, 470; snake-bitten, how to treat, 437

Cave-bear, age of the, 481

Cave-deposits, rarity of large implements in, 641

Cave-dwellers, their mode of living, 657

"Cave-earth," 479, 492

Cave-implements, 473, &c.

Cave-remains prior to Neolithic times, 482

Caves, alternate tenancy of, by man and beasts, 479; chronological sequence of contents of, 475, 481-485; deposits of, compared with river gravels, 474; early use of for habitations, 126; formation of, 477, 480; ossiferous, 474, 476; sepulchral, 126 ; stalagmite of, 479

Belgian, 286, 475, 478

Brixham, 512-516

Creswell Crags, 522-524

French, arrowheads in, 396; bone and horn objects in, 177, 321; character of implements of, 53; flint flakes in, 292; hammer-stones, 248; quartzite flakes, 281, 292; serrated flakes, 296

Gibraltar, bone objects in, 177, 433; long flake in, 287; saddle-quern in, 252; sandstone plate in, 428; stone chisel-gouge in, 182

Happaway, 517

Kent's Cavern, 488-511

Long Hole, Gower, and other Welsh Caves, 521

of Palestine, early sepulture in, 9

Tor Bryan, 516

Wookey hyæna-den, 517-520

Cavities in gravel, how formed, 556, 557, 561

Celte, occurrence of, in Vulgate, 55

Celts, suggested etymology of, 55; superstitions concerning, 56-65 ; classification of, 66

chipped or rough hewn, 67-86; chisel-edged, with curvature of face, 67, 68, 73; with equal faces, 75; long and narrow, 81; tanged, 83; wedge-shaped, 82; small, made from fragments of larger, 87, 97; of stones other than flint, 84

ground at the edge, 90-97

polished, with abnormal peculiarities, 130; accompanying interments, passim; approximate date of, 147; broken, conversion of, into other implements, 242, 248, 339; bronze, from barrows, 213, 268, 309; chisel-like, 103, 120, 121; classification of, 98; with cutting-edge blunted, 138; with flattened sides, 110-119; found in canoe, 150; grooved or notched, 136; mode of hafting, 151; oblique-edged, 113, 124; oval in section, 122, 129; perforated, 142; range of, in time, 147, 150; recent use of, by Irish weavers, 440; rectangular in section, 119-122; sharpened at both ends, 118; stag's-horn sockets for, 163; for use in hand, 133, 136, 171; various uses of, 171, 172

Cembro pine, Siberian stones for crushing nuts of, 245

Cements used in hafting implements, 170, 171; bituminous, in Swiss hafting, 292, 409

Cemetery, Frankish, of Samson, 397

Cerauniæ, old German authors concerning, 63; Sotacus on the, 64, 480; Pliny concerning, 65

Cereals, absence of, among cave-dwellers, 657

Ceremonial stone-adze, 167

Chafing-dish of stone, 445

Chalcedonic flint, celts of, 92, 138; Egyptian blades of, 359; serrated arrow-head of, 385

Chalcedony, American lance-head of, 337; Chilian arrow-heads of, 406; gun-flints of, 21; harpoon-points of, in Greenland, 405; implements of, their French provenance, 80; Mexican dagger-blade of, 354; ornamental hammer of, 226; small Indian cores of, 23

Chaldaeans, their reverence for the hatchet, 62

Chalk, absorbent nature of, 663; carved cylinders of, 421; cups of, 34; cup-shaped vessels of, 450; districts, implementiferous gravels in, 663; mining in, for flints, 33, 79, 172; solution of, by carbonic-acid-charged water, 477, 557, 675; "subterranean reservoir" in, 664

Chamacocos, socketed axes among the, 157

Champignolles, pit for extraction of flint at, 35

Changes, geological, in cave regions, 521, 525; affecting the River Drift, 662, &c.; coastline affected by, 695

Chantre, M., 133; on hafting of celts by savages, 164, 244; drift implement found by, in Euphrates valley, 653

Charms, arrow-heads used as, 364-366; hereditary custody of, 469; perforated pebbles as, 231

Charruas, the, lenticular sling-stones used by, 418

Charters-White, Mr., on the attrition of teeth by grit, 253

Chert, balls of, 249; British celt of, 65; cores of, in Welsh caves, 521; Eskimo use of, for arrow-heads, 25; implements of, in Welsh caves, 581; Irish tool of, 175

Chester, the late Rev. Greville J., barrow examined by, 463

Chieftainship, decorative weapons a mark of, 226

Children, quartz pebbles in interments of, 467

Chinese, use of military flail among the, 423

Chipping flints, relation of, to grinding, 85, 86, 290

Chisels, blacksmiths' present mode of hafting, 168, 233; bone, 177, 433; bronze, in Egyptian gold-mines, 6; of deer's horn, 434; distribution of, 177; Maori hafting of, 178; and picks, 173-177

Chlorite, whetstone of, 269; slate, plates of, in interment, 398

Chloritic albite, celts of, 109; stone, hatchet and haft made of one piece of, 171

Chronology of Neolithic Period, difficulty of ascertaining, 471; of the River Drift at-