Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/753

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"Reliquiæ Diluvianæ," Dean Buckland's, 487

Resin, its use in mounting flakes, 293, 409

Rhinoceros, bones of leg of, in apposition, 701; hemitœchus, remains of, in Wales with human works, 520

Rib, with incised horse on it, 523

Rib-like bone, marks of sawing on, 539

"Ribbon-sling," 417

Richard, Abbe, flint flakes found by, in tomb of Joshua, 9; Syrian drift implements shewn by, 652

Rickard, Mr. J. C, on palæolithic African implements, 653

Ridged flakes defined, 641

Ridges worn on hammer stones, 246

Ridley, Messrs, E. P. & H. N., on fossil plants at Hoxne, 577

Rigollot, Dr., on implements at St. Acheul, 526, 527

Rings of jet in interments, 265, 266, 308, 352, 426, 455; with radial perforations, 454, 456; of Kimmeridge shale, 456; penannular, of bronze, 456; of Samian ware, 466; spiral, of bronze, 398; of stone, 465; studs combined with, for fastenings, 454

Ripple marking on Egyptian and Danish blades, 359; on British arrow-heads, 392, 393

River basins, present lowering of, 668

River Drift, antiquity of, 662, &c.; causes of crumpling, 697, 698; and surface periods, gap between, 650, 704; implements of, 526, et seqq.; implements compared with those of caves, 474; French and English, resemblance of, 627, 630; mammalian remains in, 528, &c.; molluscan in, 531, 536, 539, &c.; sorting of materials of, by water action, 667, 673

River gravels, scrapers rarely found in, 311; stone implements found in, 147-150

Rivers, amount of detritus carried by, 667; former,near Cromer,572; former, preceding the Solent, 622, 634, 690,694; former, connected with the Waveney, 577; former, represented by the Wye, 521; origin of systems of, 665; transporting power of, 666, &c.

Rivers, General Pitt, his explorations at Cissbury, 33, 78-82; on the classification of flint arrows, 370; on implements in the London gravels, 589; flint flakes found by, in Egyptian gravel, 652; palæolithic implements found by, 604

Robenhausen, pyrites found in lake settlement of, 15

Robinson, Sir J. C, palæolithic implements found by, 626

Rock-crystal, perforation of, on the Rio Negro, 52; piece of in cist, 468

Rocks, calcareous, erosion of, 477, &c.

Rock-shelters, formation of, 476

Rolled condition of implements in lower parts of valleys, 681

Rolleston, the late Prof., his find at Oxford, 593

Rolling-pin and bed-stone, 250

Romano-British village, "coal money" in, 465; shale cups in, 448

Roman remains, stone objects with, 109, 144, 237, 244, 283; in Lark valley, 543; sites, flakes found on, 283; sites, bone pins on, 431; sites, discoidal stone weights on, 443; soldier with bracer represented on monument, 430

Romans, ceremonial use of flint by the, 9; pyrites used by, for fire-producing, 313; staff-sling used by, 418

Rome, bronze shears used at, by priest of Jupiter, 5

Roots, possible use of pointed implements in digging for, 645, 655

Rose, Mr., his suggestion as to tube-boring, 50

Rotatory mill, 254

Roughening of implements for insertion into sockets, 46, 125, 128, 136; of hammers for grasping, 243

Roundels of stone, suggested use of, 49

"Round-nosed chisels," stone implements resembling, 180

Rowe, Rev. A, L., quartzite drift implement found by, 578

Rubbers needed for polishing concave surfaces, 266

Ruddle, rubbing stone associated with, 263; nodules of, with charcoal, 263, 264

Rumph on the "Dondersteenen " of Java, 59

Runic characters on stone celts, 58

Rushes, use of, for cord in hafting, 292

Rutley, Mr. F., drift implement found by, 616


Sabines, use of bronze knives by priests of the, 5

Sabre-toothed tiger, presence of, in British caves, 508, 524

Saddle-querns, 251

St. Acheul, Kent's Cavern implements of the age of, 495

St. Alban's mill dues, 258

"Salagramma pebble, " Indian custom concerning, 468

Salmon, M. Philippe, his division of the Stone ages, 485

Salt-mines, grooved axes in, 169; stone mauls found in, 234

"Samian ware," ring of, 466

Sand, use of, in boring stone, 49; use of, in grinding concave surfaces, 266; polishing effect of, 659

Sandars, Mrs. E., side scraper found by, 636

Sandstone, cup of, 444 ; grooved pieces of, 83; grooved nodule of, as sinkstone, 236; perforated plates of, 428, 431; pyriform piece of, 442

Sarmatians, their early ignorance of the use of iron, 7

"Sarsen-stone," mullers of, 248; interment under, 352

Saucer of shale, 443

Savage Island, shaped sling-stones in, 418

Savages, modern, hafting of implements by, 155, 161, &c.; their use of perforated implements, 215; of stone implements, 172; of unmounted tools, 171

Savoy, superstition regarding celts in, 57

Saws, flint, in La Madelaine caves, 484; serrated flakes as, 249, 297; small flakes mounted as. 293

Sawing, mechanical aids to, 44; modern experiments in, 44, 297; signs of, rare in British implements, 43; traces of, on Spanish celt, 44

Saxo Grammaticus on Thor's Hammer, 62

Saxon graves, fibula and flints in, 144; flint arrow-heads in, 397; quern in, 259; steels and chipped flints in, 283

Saxon remains in Lark valley, 543; spindle-whorl with, 439

Scales offish in river drift, 540, 541

Scaling fish, possible use, of scrapers for, 312, note

Scalping knife, possible use of stone blade as, 355

Scandinavian axes, 184; how bored, 49; blades, crescent-shaped, 297; flint knives, 8; harpoon-heads, 277; hone, 271; superstitions as to stone implements, 366, 469; two-edged flint blades, 294

Schlalum Indians, adze of the, 166

Scheffer, on burial customs of the Lapps, 283 Lapp divining stone engraved by, 470