Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/757

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Washing linen, "batting staff" employed in, 256

"Wasters," presence of, in flint implement manufactories, 385, 649

Water, its action on flint, 497; carbonic-acid-charged, its action on chalk, 477, 557; fresh, drift beds deposited by, 662; transporting power of, 513; transporting power dependent on rate of flow, 667

Water-mills, stone pivots and sockets for, 242

Watson, Mr. Knight, on the word Celte in Vulgate, 56

Wauwyl, flint manufactory at, 22

Way, the late Mr. Albert, his finds at Bournemouth, 635, 637; on the submerged forest at Bournemouth, 695; referred to, 74, 160, 254, 340, 347; Miss, drift implement found by, 636

Weapons, association of, with decorations in graves, 460; bronze, in the heroic times, 4; elaboration of, a mark of dignity, 216, 226; hammer-heads as, 224; probable use of perforated axes as, 215; Scandinavian form of, found in Britain, 213; wearing and rechipping of, 349

Wear on implements, its evidence as to mode of use, 311

Weaving, early practice of, 436; possible use of perforated stones in, 237

Weaverthorpe, stag's horn pick found at, 34

Wedding dress cut out by stone knife, 348

Wedge, bone, 24; certain celts possibly used as, 82, 87, 655; of granite, 97; tightening of hafting by means of, 233

Wells in the chalk, varying height of water in, 664

Westlake, Mr. E., implement found by, 632

Wexovius as to reindeer marrow, 504

Weights for scales, stones as, 443

Whale, axe made from ulna of, 435; remains of near Cambridge, 681

Wheel-lock, use of pyrites in, 16

Whetstones, 261-271; of the Bronze Period, 268; in caves, 504; Danish, 264, 265; with gold cup in coffin, 449; in interments, 185, 268, 271, 332, 353; with iron loop for suspension, 270; with metal handles, 270, 271; Spanish perforated, 438

Whitaker, Mr. W., palæolithic implements found by, 538, 587, 607, 611, 612, 613

Whitbourn, the late Mr., implement found by, in Wey valley, 319, 594

White pebbles, symbolism of, 468

Whitening of flint, 497, 549, 556

Wild goose, remains of, in Fisherton beds, 631

Wilde, Sir William, on boring instruments for stone, 47; on classification of arrow-heads, 370; late use of stone implements recorded by, 11; on Irish treatment of sick cattle, 365; on use of celt in Irish weaving, 440; referred to, 154, 177, 215, 223, 232, 270, 272, 308

Willett, Mr. Ernest, his explorations at Cissbury, 78; his discovery at Brighton, 622

William of Poitiers quoted, 146

Williams, Rev. T. J., on white stones in interments, 468

Wilson, the late Sir Daniel, on American stone hammers, 235; on celt found in canoe, 150; on "elf-arrows," 366; on a find of "Picts' knives," 346; on stone boring, 47; on stone cups as lamps, 445

Wire, Mr. A. P., pointed implement found by, 603

"Witch-stone" as protection for cattle, 476

Withies, stone implements hafted by, 167, i68, 233, 239

"Witters" or barbs of arrow-heads, 370, note

"Women's knives," Eskimo, 343

Wood, bodkin of, in urn, 433; fire produced by friction of, 313; fossil, trom Tnanet sands, 620; method of preserving, 152; spindles of, with Roman (remains, 439; split, hafting of daggers in, 349; split, hafting of spear-heads in, 350; stone boring by means of, 48, 49, 50, 52; used for splintering obsidian, 24

Wood, Rev. J. G., his Nat. Hist, of Man referred to, 166, 167, 168, 299

Woods, various, used for hafting implements, 153, 155, 159. 160, 162, 163, 164

Wooden cup with handle in barrow, 448; figures, carved Egyptian, 369; objects associated with celts, 152

Woodward, Dr. Henry, crystal pick described by, 235; the late Dr. S. P., referred to, 627 Woodward, Dr., his suggestion as to arrow-heads, 407

Wookey Hyæna Den, 517—520

Wool, tissues of, in bronze interments, 437

Woollen cloth, skeleton wrapped in, 448

Worm, Olaf, on early stone implements, 363; his recognition of a Greenland harpoon, 410

Worsaae, Prof., suggestions as to early stone boring, 47, 48; referred to, 191, 232, 261, 271, 278, 298, 308, 353, 448

Wright, Mr. Arthur G., drift implement found by, 539

Wrist-guards of stone, 425-428

Wyatt, the late Mr. James, finds of implements, 572, 613; his section of Ouse valley, 531; referred to, 101, 110, 245, 340

Wye Valley, geological changes in, 521

Wyeth, Mr., on arrow-chipping by Snake River Indians, 40


Xanthorrhæa gum, its use in hafting hatchets, 137, 170

Xerxes, stone and iron-tipped arrows used by army of, 368


Yew, flake-handle of, 292; in Hoxne beds, 575; probable use of for British bows, 411

Young, Mr. Lambton, C. E., drift implement from the Thames found by, 588

Yun-nan, jade-working in, 110


Zinck, M., his criticisms on distinctions between palæo- and neo-lithic forms, 649

Zigzag incised lines on sandstone cup, 444; ornamentation on stone bracer, 430

Zuñis of New Mexico, arrow-head charms among the, 367