Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/105

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his brother's son, who was named Otho, and he was Leodulf the etheling's son, and Leodulf was the elder Otho's son and king Edward's daughter's son.

A. 983. This year died Alfere the ealdorman, and Alfric succeeded to the same ealdorman-ship.[1] And Pope Benedict [VII.] died.

A. 984. This year died the benevolent bishop of Winchester, Ethelwold, father of monks, on the Kalends of August; and the consecration of the succeeding bishop, Elphege [II.], who by another name was called Godwin, was on the 14th before the Kalends of November; and he took the episcopal seat at Winchester, on the day of the two apostles Simon and Jude.

A. 985. This year was Alfric the ealdorman banished the land. And in the same year was Edwin consecrated abbat of the minster at Abingdon.

A. 986. This year the king laid waste the bishopric of Rochester. This year first came the great murrain among cattle in the English nation.

A. 987.

A. 988. This year was Watchet ravaged, and Goda, the Devonshire thane, slain, and with him much slaughter made. And this year departed the holy archbishop Dunstan, and passed to the heavenly life: and bishop Ethelgar[2] succeeded, after him, to the archbishopric;[3] and little while after that he lived, but one year and three months.

A. 989.

A. 990. This year Siric was consecrated archbishop.[4] and afterwards went to Rome for his pall. And abbat Eadwin[5] dies; and abbat Wulfgar succeeded to the abbacy.

A. 991. This year was Ipswich ravaged; and after that, very shortly, was Britnoth the ealdorman slain at Maldon. And in that year it was decreed that tribute, for the first time, should be given to the Danish-men, on account of the great terror which they caused by the sea-coast; that was at first ten thousand pounds: this counsel was first given by archbishop Siric.

A. 992. This year Oswald the holy archbishop[6] left this, and passed to the heavenly life: and Ethelwin the ealdor-

  1. Mercia
  2. Of Selsey.
  3. Of Canterbury.
  4. Of Canterbury.
  5. Of Abingdon
  6. Of York.