Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/138

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A.D. 1049

Siward the earl[1] and Leofric the earl,[2] and much people with them, from the north, to the king; and it was made known to the earl Godwin and his sons, that the king and the men who were with him, were taking counsel concerning them: and they arrayed themselves on the other hand resolutely, though it were loathful to them that they should stand against their royal lord. Then the peers on either side decreed that every kind of evil should cease: and the king gave the peace of God and his full friendship to either side. Then the king and his peers decreed that a council of all the nobles should be held for the second time in London at the harvest equinox; and the king directed the army to be called out, as well south of the Thames as north, all that was in any way most eminent. Then declared they Sweyn the earl an outlaw, and summoned Godwin the earl and Harold the earl, to the council, as quickly as they could effect it. When they had come thither, then were they summoned into the council. Then required he safe conduct and hostages, so that he might come, unbetrayed, into the council and out of the council. Then the king demanded all the thanes whom the earls before had; and they granted them all into his hands. Then the king sent again to them, and commanded them that they should come with twelve men to the king's council. Then the earl again required safe conduct and hostages, that he might defend himself against each of those things which were laid to him. Then were the hostages refused him; and he was allowed a safe conduct for five nights to go out of the land. And then Godwin the earl and Sweyn the earl went to Bosham, and shoved out their ships, and betook themselves beyond sea, and sought Baldwin's protection, and abode there all the winter. And Harold the earl went west to Ireland, and was there all the winter within the king's protection. And soon after this happened, then put away the king the lady who had been consecrated his queen,[3] and caused to be taken from her all which she possessed, in land, and in gold, and in silver, and in all things, and delivered her to his sister at Wherwell. And abbat Sparhafoc was then driven out of the bishopric of London, and William the king's priest was ordained thereto. And then Odda was appointed earl over Devonshire, and over Somerset, and over Dorset, and over the Welsh. And Algar, the son of Leofric the earl, was appointed to the earldom which Harold before held.

A. 1049. In this year the emperor gathered a countless force against Baldwin[4] of Bruges: by reason that he had destroyed the palace at Nimeguen, and also, that he had done many other injuries to him: the force was not to be told which he had gathered. There was Leo [IX.] the pope of Rome, and many great men of many nations. He sent also to king Edward, and begged the aid of his ships, in order that he should not suffer him to escape from him by water. And he went then to Sandwich, and there continued lying with a great fleet, until the emperor obtained of Bald-

  1. Of Northumbria.
  2. Of Mercia.
  3. Editha.
  4. Earl of Flanders.