Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/229

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  • Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, 203
  • Theologild, archbp. of Canterbury, 45
  • Theodore, archbp. of Canterbury, 22-28
  • Thedosius the Younger, 6
  • Thomas, abp. of York, 145, 175, 180, 182
  • Thored, Gunner's son, 82, 88
  • Thurkill, 98, 102, 109
  • Thurkytel, a Danish earl, 63
  • Thurkytel, son of Nafan, 105
  • Tilbert, bishop of Hexham, 38
  • Thurstan, archbp. of York, 182, 186, 180
  • Tidfrith, bishop of Dunwich, 42
  • Tobias, bishop of Rochester, xiii, 29, 32
  • Tosty, son of Godwin, 123-141
  • Tremerin, bishop of St. David's, 131
  • Trumwine, bishop of the Picts, 27
  • Tuda, bishop of Lindisfarne, 20-23
  • Tumbert, bishop of Hexham, 27
  • Ulf, bishop of Dorchester, 121, 123
  • Ulfkytel, earl of East Anglia, 95, 99
  • Utred, earl of Northumbria, 101, 105
  • Valentinian, emperor, 6
  • Vespasian, emperor, 4
  • Vortigern, king, 7
  • Walcher, bishop of Durham, 154
  • Waleram, earl of Mellent, 190-196
  • Walkelin, bishop of Winchester, 173
  • Waltheof, earl of Northumbria, 144, 148, 152, 153
  • Werburh, Ceolred's queen, 39
  • Westminster Abbey, 136
  • Whitgar, lord of Isle of Wight, 9, 10
  • Whitherne bishopric, 11
  • Wigbert, bishop of Sherborne, 13
  • Wighard, bishop-elect, 24
  • Wight, Isle of, 7, 9, 23, 63, 04
  • Wigthun, bishop of Winchester, 45
  • Wilfrid, archbishop of York, 20-31
  • Wilfrid II., archbishop of York, 28
  • Wilfrid, bishop of Worcester, 34
  • William, bishop of Durham, 146, 162
  • William, bishop of Elmham, 146
  • William Curboil, archbishop of Canterbury, 188, 196, 203
  • William, earl of Moreton, 73
  • William, earl of Normandy, 178
  • William Giffard, bishop ot Winchester, 175, 177, 189, 197
  • William I. (the Conqueror), 110, 138-161
  • William, prince, son of Henry I., 183, 185, 186
  • William Rufus, 146, 161-174
  • Winchester cathedral, 17
  • Wini, bishop, 20
  • Withlaf, king of Mercia, 44, 45
  • Withred, king of Kent, 29-32
  • Wulfgar, abbat of Abinigdon, 87-107
  • Wulfgar, bishop of Wiltshire, 16
  • Wulfhelm, archbishop of Canterbury, 73
  • Wulfhere, king of Mercia, 19-26
  • Wulfnoth, child, 97, 98
  • Wulfred, archbp. of Canterbury, 43-45
  • Wulfric, abbat of St. Augustine's, 115
  • Wulfstan, archbishop of York, 76-78
  • Wulfstan, deacon, dies, 79
  • Wulfsy, bishop of Lichfield, 129
  • Wulfwy, bishop of Dorchester, 129, 142
  • Wulstan, bishop of London, 92
  • Wulstan, bishop of Worcester, 162
  • Wulstan II., archbishop of York, 108
  • York minster, 15