Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/58

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A.D. 789–794.

kingdom after him: he was his nephew. And a synod was assembled at Acley.

A. 790. This year archbishop Lambert died, and the same year abbat Athelard was chosen archbishop.[1] And Osred, king of the North-humbrians, was betrayed, and driven from the kingdom; and Ethelred, the son of Ethelwald, again obtained the government.

A. 791 This year Baldulf was consecrated bishop of Whitherne, on the 16th before the Kalends of August, by archbishop Eanbald,[2] and by bishop Ethelbert.[3]

A. 792. This year Offa, king of the Mercians, commanded the head of king Ethelbert[4] to be struck off. And Osred, who had been king of the Northumbrians, having come home after his exile, was seized and slain on the 18th before the Kalends of October; and his body lies at Tinemouth. And king Ethelred took a new wife, who was called Elfleda, on the 3rd before the Kalends of October.

A. 793. This year dire forwarnings came over the land of the North-humbrians, and miserably terrified the people; these were excessive whirlwinds, and lightnings; and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air. A great famine soon followed these tokens; and a little after that, in the same year, on the 6th before the Ides of January, the ravaging of heathen men lamentably destroyed God's church at Lindisfarne through rapine and slaughter. And Siga died on the 8th before the Kalends of March.

A. 794. This year Pope Adrian[5] and king Offa died; and Ethelred, king of the North-humbrians, was slain by his own people on the 13th before the Kalends of May; and bishop Ceolwulf[6] and bishop Eadbald went away from the land. And Egfert succeeded to the kingdom of the Mercians and died the same year. And Eadbert, who by a second name was named Pren, obtained the kingdom of Kent. And Ethelherd the ealdorman died on the Kalends of August; and the heathens ravaged among the North-humbrians, and plundered Egfert's monastery at the mouth of the Wear; and there one of their leaders was slain, and also some of their ships were wrecked by a tempest; and many of them

  1. Of Canterbury.
  2. Of York.
  3. Of Hexham.
  4. Of East Anglia.
  5. Pope Adrian died Decembe 20th, 795.
  6. Of Lindsey