Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/62

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A.D. 820–827.

and Ceolwulf succeeded to the kingdom; and Eadbert the ealdorman died.

A. 820.

A. 821 This year Ceolwulf was deprived of his kingdom.[1]

A. 822. This year two ealdormen, Burhelm and Mucca, were slain; and there was a synod at Cloveshoo.

A. 823. This year there was a battle between the Welsh and the men of Devon at Camelford:[2] and the same year Egbert king of the West-Saxons and Bernulf king of the Mercians fought at Wilton, and Egbert got the victory, and there was great slaughter made. He then sent from the army his son Ethelwulf, and Ealstan his bishop,[3] and Wulfherd his ealdorman, into Kent with a large force, and they drove Baldred the king northwards over the Thames. And the men of Kent, and the men of Surrey, and the South-Saxons, and the East-Saxons, submitted to him; for formerly they had been unjustly forced from his kin. And the same year the king of the East-Angles and the people sought the alliance and protection of king Egbert for dread of the Mercians; and the same year the East-Angles slew Bernulf king of Mercia.

A. 824.

A. 825. This year Ludecan king of the Mercians was slain, and his five ealdormen with him; and Withlaf succeeded to the kingdom.

A. 826.

A. 827. This year the moon was eclipsed[4] on the mass-night of midwinter. And the same year king Egbert conquered the kingdom of the Mercians, and all that was south of the Humber; and he was the eighth king who was Bretwalda. Ælla king of the South-Saxons was the first who had thus much dominion; the second was Ceawlin king of the West-Saxons; the third was Ethelbert king of the Kentish-men; the fourth was Redwald king of the East-Angles; the fifth was Edwin king of the North-humbrians; the sixth was Oswald who reigned after him; the seventh was Oswy, Oswald's brother; the eighth was Egbert king of the West-Saxons. And Egbert led an army to Dore

  1. Mercia.
  2. In Cornwall.
  3. Sherborne.
  4. The eclipse happened on the 25th of December, 828.