Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle according to the Several Original Authorities Vol 1 (Original Texts).djvu/462

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Page 50, An. dc.lii. 1. 3, for he, read be.

" 75, An. dcc.xxvir. 1. I, for he, read her.

" 268, An. m.xii. 1. 2, for ydelstan, read yldestan.

" 272, 1. 2 note, for S~e, read See.

" 308, An. m.xltx. 1. 1 1 from bottom, for norȯmuban, read Norȯhymuban.

" 343, An. m.lxviii. 1. 4, for Norȯhymbram, read Norȯhymbrum.

" 361, In nˈ a gin, for burh, read j ur.


Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode,

Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.