Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/16

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warnige. forðam þe þu eart fordemed. Đa cwæð apollonius. Hwa mihte me fordeman. minre agenre þeode ealdorman. Hellanicus cwæð. Antiochus se cyngc. Apollonius cwæð. For hwilcum intingum hæfð he me fordemed. Hellanicus sæde. Forðam þe þu girndest ꝥ þu wære ꝥ se fæder is. Apollonius cwæð. Micclum ic eom fordemed. Hellanicus sæde. Swa hwilc man swa ðe lifigende to him bringð. onfo se fiftig punda goldes. se ðe him bringe þin heafod. onfo se hund-teontig punda goldes. forðam ic ðe lære ꝥ þu fleo ⁊ beorge þinum life.

Æfter þysum wordum. hellanicus fram him gewænde. ⁊ apollonius het hine eft to him geclipian cwæð to him. Đæt wyrreste þingc þu didest ꝥ þu me warnodest. nym nu her æt me hund-teontig punda goldes. ⁊ far to antiocho þam cynge. ⁊ sege him ꝥ me sy ꝥ heafod fram þam hneccan acorfen. ⁊ bring ꝥ word þam cynge to blisse. þonne hafast þu mede ⁊ eac clæne handa fram pes unscæðþigan blodes. Đa cwæð hellanicus. Ne gewurde ꝥ hlaford. ꝥ ic mede nime æt ðe for þisum þingum. forðon þa mid godum mannum nis naðer ne gold ne seolfor wið godes mannes freondscipe wiðmeten. Hi to-eodon ða mid þisum wordum. and apollonius sona gemette oderne cuðne man ongean hine gán þæs nama wæs stranguilio gehaten. Hlaford geong apolloni. hwæt dest ðu þus gedrefedum mode on þisum lande. Apollonius cwæð. Ic gehirde secgan ꝥ ic wære fordemed. Stranguilio