Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/21

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agan se cyngc plegan wið his geferan mid þoðere. ⁊ apollonius hine gemægnde swa swa god wolde on ðæs cyninges plegan. ⁊ yrnende þone ðoðor gelæhte. ⁊ mid swiftre rædnesse geslegene. ongean gesænde to ðam plegendan cynge. eft he agean asænde. he rædlice sloh. swa he hine næfre feallan ne let. Se cyngc ða oncneow þæs iungan snelnesse ꝥ he wiste ꝥ he næfde his gelican on þam plegan. Đa cwæð he to his geferan. Gað eow heonon. þes cniht þæs þe me þincð[1] is min gelíca.

Đa ða apolonius gehyrde ꝥ se cyning hyne herede. he arn rædlice ⁊ genealæhte to ðam cynge. ⁊ mid gelæredre handa he swang þone top mid swa micelre swiftnesse. ꝥ þam[2] cynge wæs geþuht swilce he of ylde to iuguðe gewænd wære. ⁊ æfter þam on his cyne-setle he him gecwemlice ðenode. ⁊ þa ða he út eode of ðam bæðe. he hine lædde be þare handa. him þа siddan þanon gewende þæs weges þe he ær com. Đa cwæð se cyning to his mannum. siððan apollonius agán wæs. Ic swerige þurh ða gemænan hælo ꝥ ic me næfre bet ne baðode þonne ic dide to dæg. nát ic þurh hwilces iunges mannes þenunge. Đa beseah he hine to ánum[3] his manna ⁊ cwæð. Ga ⁊ gewite hwæt se iunga man sy þe me to dæg swa wel gehirsumode. Se man ða eode æfter apollonio. Mid þi þe he geseah ꝥ he wæs mid horhgum scicelse bewæfed. þa wænde he ongean to ðam cynge ⁊ cwæð.

  1. þingð
  2. MS. se.
  3. MS. án