Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/31

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þu hafast gecoren þone wer þe me wel licað. Eode ða ut ⁊ beseah to apollonio ⁊ cwæð. Láreow apolloni. ic smeade minre dohtor modes willan. ða arehte heo me mid wope betweox oðre spræce. þas þingc ðus cweðende. Ðu geswore apollonio. gif he wolde gehirsumian minum willan on láre. ꝥ þu woldest him ge-innian swa hwæt swa seo sæ him ætbræd. nu forðam þe he gehyrsum wæs þinre hæse ⁊ minum willan. ic for æfter him * * * *

* * * * Ða was hyre gecyd þe ðar ealdor wæs. ꝥ þar wære cumen sum cyngc mid his aðume ⁊ mid his dohtor mid micclum gifum. Mid þam þe heo ꝥ gehirde. heo hi silfe mid cynelicum reafe gefrætwode. ⁊ mid purpran gescridde. ⁊ hire heafod mid golde ⁊ mid gimmon geglængde. ⁊ mid micclum fæmnena heape ymbtrimed. com togeanes þam cynge. Heo wæs soðlice þearle wlitig. ⁊ for