Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/66

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to science. Receive now thy reward; for the lady brought much wealth with her." Cerimon then directed food and clothes to be conveyed to her, and administered the best restoratives. A few days after her recovery she declared her birth and misfortunes; and the good physician, commiserating her situation, adopted her as his daughter. But it cost him many tears when she solicited permission to reside among the vestals of Diana. However, he objected not; and placed her with certain female attendants in the magnificent temple of the goddess.

In the mean while, Apollonius, guided by the good providence of God, arrived at Tharaus; and disembarking, sought the mansion of Stranguilio and Dionysias. After mutual greetings, he narrated his adventures. "Wretched as I am in the death of a beloved wife, I have yet cause for joy in the existence of this infant. To you I will entrust her; for never, since his offspring haB perished, will I again revisit the old Arcestrates. But educate my girl with your own daughter Philothemia, and call her, after your city, by the name of Tharsia. I would, moreover, pray you to take charge of her nurse, Ligoridis, whose unremitting fidelity deserves a better reward." With such words, he gave the child up to them, accompanied by large presents of gold and silver and valuable raiment. He then took an oath that he would neither cut his beard, or hair, or nails, until