Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/9

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Her onginneð seo gerecednes be antióche þam ungesæligan cingce ⁊ be apollonige þam[1] [tiriscan ealdormen].

AN antiochia þare ceastre was sum cyningc antiochus gehaten. æfter þæs cyninges naman wæa seo ceaster[2] antiochia geciged. Ðises cyninges cwén wearð of life gewiten. be ðare he hæfde áne swiðe wlitige dohter ungelifedlicre fægerneese. Mid þí þe heo bicom to giftelicre yldo. þa gyrnde hyre mænig mære man. micele mærðu beodende.

Đa gelamp hit sárlicum gelimpe. þa ða se fæder þohte hwam he hi mihte healicost forgifan. þa gefeol his agen mod on hyre lufe mid unrihtre gewilnunge. to ðam swiðe he forgeat þa fæderlican arfæstnesse. ⁊ gewilnode his agenre dohtor him to gemæccan. ⁊ þa gewilnunge naht lange ne ylde. ac sume dæge on ærne mergen. þa he of slæpe awóc, he abræc into þam

  1. After þam there is an erasure in the MS. The words following are supplied from conjecture
  2. MS. ceastre.