Page:The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre.djvu/90

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granted me the time to pray to God, I should not have [27] come to this honour." She then truly extended her hand to him, and bade him go in safety; and Philothemia, the daughter of the accused, Tharsia took to her. Apollonius then, indeed, gave the people great gifts to rejoice them, and their walls were reestablished. He then dwelt there six mouths, and went then in a ship to the Cyrenian town Pentapolis, and came to Arcestrates the king: and the king rejoiced in his old age that he saw his granddaughter with her husband. They remained together one year entire; and the king Arcestrates then departed in ripe old age among them all, and bequeathed half his kingdom to Apollonius, half to his daughter.

All these things being thus done, Apollonius the great king went towards the sea, when he saw the old fisherman who had formerly received him naked. Then the king ordered him to be suddenly seized and led to the royal hall. When the fisherman saw that the soldiers would take him, then he thought at first that they were to slay him; but when he came into the king's hall, then the king ordered him to be led before the queen, and thus said: "O thou happy queen! this is my benefactor, who received me naked, and directed me so that I came to thee." Then Apollonius looked to the fisherman, and said: "O benevolent old man! I am Apollonius the Tyrian, to whom thou gavest half thy coat." Then the king